Fresh, delicately flavored patty pan squash with just the right amount of savory onion flavor and bright lemon flavor along with a silky buttery sauce...
Maple syrup is a uniquely North American sweetener. Here it adds just the right subtle flavor to a colorful puree of butternut squash. An equal amount...
Maple syrup is a uniquely North American sweetener. Here it adds just the right subtle flavor to a colorful puree of butternut squash. An equal amount...
Maple syrup is a uniquely North American sweetener. Here it adds just the right subtle flavor to a colorful puree of butternut squash. An equal amount...
This is a kind of traditional Japanese nimono. It's really good for lunchboxes too. You can get Japanese kabocha pumpkin at a Japanese market, Chinese...
This is a kind of traditional Japanese nimono. It's really good for lunchboxes too. You can get Japanese kabocha pumpkin at a Japanese market, Chinese...
I was never sure what to do with the squash that looked like little jellyfish so I stuffed it with a mixture that reminds me of a summertime Thanksgiving...
This dish combines the spice of pumpkin and sweetness of cranberries. For vegetarians and carnivores because any type of meat (like chicken or beef) can...
These 'fries' made with Chinese five-spice powder are sweet and spicy, and they're a fiber-full, lower-carb alternative to French fries. Made in the air...
These 'fries' made with Chinese five-spice powder are sweet and spicy, and they're a fiber-full, lower-carb alternative to French fries. Made in the air...
This dish combines the spice of pumpkin and sweetness of cranberries. For vegetarians and carnivores because any type of meat (like chicken or beef) can...
Slightly sweet golden squash is topped with a savory herbed cheese-breadcrumb topping. It's been my signature dish every Thanksgiving for the last 12 years....
Instead of stuffing and baking these squash, I decided to grill them instead and top them with a hot chorizo vinaigrette. It's something I've wanted to...
A wonderful way to use the over-abundance of squash from your garden. Cute pattypan squash are stuffed with a cheesy bacon stuffing, and baked. My children...
This delicious side dish can be made dairy using milk and pareve using non-dairy creamer. Perfect to accompany a savory meal or on its own, it's a great...
This delicious side dish can be made dairy using milk and pareve using non-dairy creamer. Perfect to accompany a savory meal or on its own, it's a great...
The glaze creates a smoky caramelized topping, and the cranberries and pistachios add tartness and crunch. My 10-year-old walked in as I pulled this from...
This recipe was my Grandmother's and it actually won a Blue Ribbon in the Tennessee State Fair! Be sure to use fresh squash, I use butternut but other...
This is such an easy side dish recipe that can be made in a jiffy. The roasted pumpkin is flavored with a range of herbs and spices that you can adjust...
If you are not familiar with banana squash, this is a great 'first-timer' recipe to try. Cubed squash is simmered, then glazed in a simple citrus sauce....
I can't eat much pasta because I have to watch my carb intake, so I have become very creative with spaghetti squash. This is a delicious side dish that...
This peanut butter and butternut squash recipe is from the village of Cansamange in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. I learned it while I was in the Peace Corps;...
This peanut butter and butternut squash recipe is from the village of Cansamange in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. I learned it while I was in the Peace Corps;...
If you are not familiar with banana squash, this is a great 'first-timer' recipe to try. Cubed squash is simmered, then glazed in a simple citrus sauce....
If you are not familiar with banana squash, this is a great 'first-timer' recipe to try. Cubed squash is simmered, then glazed in a simple citrus sauce....
An easy, healthy, savory side to any Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner! Preparing it in a slow cooker keeps you out of the kitchen while everyone is getting...
This recipe is quick to prepare and a great alternative for a lower-carbohydrate, lower-calorie option in place of a potato side dish. My husband is a...
Butternut squash is a staple in my house during the fall months. In this dish, the squash is roasted with fresh rosemary, garlic, and olive oil. Makes...
This is my favorite side dish, and the first thing I've made all by myself. It goes great with pretty much anything and is a perfect side for a Thanksgiving...
This is my favorite side dish, and the first thing I've made all by myself. It goes great with pretty much anything and is a perfect side for a Thanksgiving...
This is my favorite side dish, and the first thing I've made all by myself. It goes great with pretty much anything and is a perfect side for a Thanksgiving...
An easy, healthy, savory side to any Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner! Preparing it in a slow cooker keeps you out of the kitchen while everyone is getting...
An easy, healthy, savory side to any Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner! Preparing it in a slow cooker keeps you out of the kitchen while everyone is getting...
An easy, healthy, savory side to any Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner! Preparing it in a slow cooker keeps you out of the kitchen while everyone is getting...
A savory side dish using pattypan squash. My family can't wait every year until the squash are ripe and these cheesy little pancakes start showing up on...
An easy, healthy, savory side to any Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner! Preparing it in a slow cooker keeps you out of the kitchen while everyone is getting...